Generating a Brighter Clean Future

Renewable Energy Projects

The impact of the Indiscriminate and mass exploitation of our fragile earth’s resources for more than a century is being felt with full force now. Global warming, flash floods, cyclones, uncharacteristic and abrupt climatic changes have become more common now. All these are the results of man’s exploitation of the earth’s non-renewable sources of energy.

The importance of renewable energy sources like sun, water, wind and biomass as the best alternative to conventional fuels is better understood now. Governments and companies around the world are working to convert nature’s resources into power and fuel. In India too renewable energy is seen as an effective option for ensuring access to modern energy services. Being blessed with an abundance of renewable sources India can successfully reduce dependence on non-renewable resources that harm the atmosphere.

Taking the initiative to preserve our earth and protect the environment, Eastern Powers & Systems Pvt. Ltd. has ventured into generating power from renewable and non-conventional sources: Biomass, Water, and Wind. On the anvil are plans to get into generating power from Solar and Bagasse.

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